Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ford Mustang 2010If you’re wondering why Ford sent out a heavily camouflaged 2010 Mustang prototype to wander out and about on the streets, then look no further than to the sticker on the car’s windshield that prompts by passers to check out the official 2010 Mustang teaser website. These pictures, shot by Photobucket member ‘jhamilton03’, provide yet another fuzzy look of the new generation Mustang (see video here). Guess we'll have to wait for the Los Angeles Motor Show in late November for the Full Monty, but until then, check out the full image gallery right after the jump. -Continued

Ford Mustang 2010
Ford Mustang 2010
Ford Mustang 2010
Ford Mustang 2010
Ford Mustang 2010
Ford Mustang 2010
Ford Mustang 2010
Ford Mustang 2010

Via: , Source: Mustang Forums


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