Sunday, November 9, 2008

For the past month or so we have been performing in-house minor tweaks to Carscoop in an effort to better its styling and functionality. Improvements include a newly designed header, restyled sidebars with new sections that now host whole pictures of cars instead of partially cropped images as well a new navigation bar under the header. Yesterday we finally found a way to fix Carscoop's comment section which, let's face it, was terrible. Now the comment section is nicely integrated under each post and it allows you to even preview your writings before posting them.

We also added 'Related Posts' links at the end of each article, a video bar on the left sidebar and a few more bits and pieces such as a link to our newly-made Twitter page that you can subscribe by clicking here. Our goal has always been to create a site that is both aesthetically pleasant and functional to navigate even if that comes to a cost aka - fewer and less intrusive advertisements.

On a personal note, 2008 is the first full year that I have devoted to Carscoop which, from 2004 to 2007, was mostly a limited part time hobby, and the results up until know -thanks to you our readers- have been more than impressive especially for a blog that was created simply out of pure love for cars.

It hasn't been easy and no thanks to the deteriorating economy, the road ahead is frighteningly bumpier from a financial point of view. Don't forget, one still has to make a decent living - more than ever when a site like Carscoop consumes a minimum of 15 hours a day leaving no time for fun and games.

And please remember, if you have any further suggestions about how Carscoop can improve either content wise or design wise, we are always eager to hear our readers and blogger friends opinions whether they be constructive criticism or a flat out pat on the back.


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